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First National Report on the Implementation of the Nagoya Protocol

  12 Apr 2024

Submission of the first national report

In decision NP-4/3, paragraph 5, the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol (COP-MOP) requested Parties to the Protocol to submit a first national report on the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, as called for under Article 29 of the Protocol, at the same time as the seventh national reports under the Convention are due. The decision also welcomes submissions of relevant information by non-Parties. Accordingly, Parties and non-Parties are invited to submit to the Secretariat their first national report, through the ABS Clearing-House, as soon as possible and no later than 28 February 2026.

 The format and the guidelines for submission can be found below: 


Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, Spanish  


Preparation of the first national report

When preparing the report, it is recommended that countries involve indigenous peoples and local communities and other relevant stakeholders to ensure a participatory and transparent approach to its development. In addition, countries are encouraged to: 

  • Provide brief explanations of their responses in view of contributing more detailed information to review processes under the Nagoya Protocol;
  • Use the opportunity of the preparation of their first national report to verify that their national records in the ABS Clearing-House are complete and up to date.

Information submitted through the first national reports will be consolidated for the consideration of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Nagoya Protocol at its sixth meeting, as a contribution to the second assessment and review  of the effectiveness of the Protocol. 

How to submit the first national report

Countries should submit the report online through the ABS Clearing-House in an official language of the United Nations. 

Only if it is not technically feasible to submit online, countries may resort to offline submissions using the form available on the ABS Clearing-House. Countries should send the report via email to the Secretariat (secretariat@cbd.int), and include a scanned copy signed by the ABS Clearing-House publishing authority or ABS national focal point. The Secretariat is available to provide technical support for the publication of information in the ABS Clearing-House and to assist in the submission of the first national report. For any questions or assistance, please contact: absch@cbd.int

Financial support is also available from the Global Environment Facility to assist eligible Parties in preparing their first national report.  Eligible Parties are urged to submit their letters of commitment to the implementing agency in a timely manner to ensure that projects to support the preparation of first national reports can be submitted to the Global Environment Facility for approval well before the submission deadline.

Role of the first national reports

The first national report can be a useful tool for both Parties and non-Parties to assess the level of implementation of the Nagoya Protocol, as well as gaps and needs in terms of capacity, and will assist the COP-MOP in reviewing, regularly, the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and to make, within its mandate, the decisions necessary to promote its effective implementation in accordance with Article 26, paragraph 4. 

Information submitted through the first national report can also serve to share experiences, challenges and solutions among countries in relation to the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol. In this regard, the first national report can be a valuable tool for building and developing the capacity to implement the Protocol and designing capacity-building activities more effectively. This is an opportunity to identify good practices and constraints in implementing the Nagoya Protocol. The information coming from the reports can assist the COP-MOP in reviewing the implementation of the Nagoya Protocol and making the decisions necessary to promote its effective implementation. In this regard, the first national reports will be crucial sources of information, together with the ABS Clearing-House, for conducting the second assessment and review of the effectiveness of the Protocol and the information provided will inform and will be taken into account for the consideration of several issues by COP-MOP 6 and other subsidiary bodies.

Report Analyser

This online tool will allow you to select specific sections or questions of the report and to display the results by country or region. The tool is availbale at: https://absch.cbd.int/en/reports/analyzer 


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