Biocultural Community Protocol for Cerrado Raizeiras | ABSCH-CPP-SCBD-207587 | Community Protocols and Procedures and Customary Law | Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House

Community Protocols and Procedures and Customary Law (CPP)
last updated: 11 Aug 2016

General Information
Biocultural Community Protocol for Cerrado Raizeiras
  • Community protocols and procedures
Jaqueline Evangelista Dias & Lourdes Cardozo Laureano (orgs.)
Articulação Pacari (PACARI Network)   ABSCH-ORG-SCBD-207586-1
  • Non-governmental organization (NGO)
This publication is availabile for reproduction for educational or non-profit purpose.
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Information on the content of the resource
This "Biocultural Community Protocol for Cerrado Raizeiras - the customary right of healers in the Cerrado biome of Brazil" , is directly related to the implementation of CBD in Brazil, specifically articles 8"j" and 10 "c", which advise signatory countries to "respect, preserve and maintain knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities" and recognise their fundamental role in preserving biodiversity with attention to gender equity. The healers propose training and public consultation for local communities about the National Laws for Accessing Genetic Resources and Benefits Share, before its approval by the National Congress.
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Additional Information
In the line with of the goals established by the government to stop the loss of biodiversity by 2020 through the National Strategic Plan for Brazilian Biodiversity, the healers created their own goals for Cerrado biodiversity. The Goals of the Healers lists their priorities for practicing traditional medicine according to how the government presents the main points of its National Strategic Plan.