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How do I designate or update a National Authorized User (NAU)? (video)

  23 Nov 2021

The User Management page is accessible through the Submit page and allows Biosafety Clearing-House National Focal Points (BCH-NFPs) to add, edit or delete roles of National Authorized Users (NAUs) for some or all types of National Records. When adding a new NAU, the BCH-NFP will be asked to enter the e-mail address of the person to be nominated. The system will automatically search for any match in the list of registered users in the BCH , respectively. If the new NAU is not yet registered, it will ask for further details. Whether the user is new or already registered, the system will present to the BCH-NFP a list of roles that can be added.

Note that once a role is added or modified, an automatic e-mail message is sent to the NAU with the notification of the new role(s) and a link to updating the profile or resetting the password.

Instructions for BCH-NFP:

  1. Sign in to the Submit page.
  2. Click on the User Management tab.
  3. To add a new NAU: click on the Add Authorized User button and then follow the online instructions.
  4. To edit an NAU role: click on the ‘list’ icon. Then follow the online instructions.
  5. To delete an NAU: click on the ‘trash bin’ icon.

Tip: Use the free text box on the right top corner to find an NAU by typing a word of your choice, or the e-mail of the person you are searching for.

Please also watch the video below, created in-house by the Secretariat:

VIDEO about how to add, edit, delete NAUs





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