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Global filters (video)

  23 Nov 2021

Global Filters appear on the top of the Search page, just below the free text search box and consist of 5 pre-defined filters: Record types,  Keywords, Country, Regions and Date.

These filters allow users to search the entire database through all record categories. Records can be searched by selecting a combination of any of the global filters. This gives users the flexibility to retrieve a very wide or a very narrow set of results. 

Free text search also applies to the entire database and can be combined with the global filters. It allows users to search the database by typing any word(s) of your choice. TIP: Change the website to your preferred language before typing the text in that language.

Global Filter options:

Record typesClick here to search by specific National, Reference or SCBD categories of records.
KeywordsClick here to select from a pre-defined list of keywords. 
CountryClick here to filter by a country or countries.
RegionsClick here to filter by region(s) or regional group(s). 
DateClick here to filter by a specific date or date range.

When a filter option is selected, the search will automatically be executed, and the active filter will appear at the top of Search page. Scroll down to view the results. 


Important Note

Contacts (CON) are only searchable if they are referenced in other records.

Please also watch the video below, created in-house by the Secretariat:

Global filters

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