Germany | ABSCH-CPC-DE-262409 | Checkpoint Communiqué | Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House

Checkpoint Communiqué (CPC)
last updated: 21 Nov 2022
General Information
Investigación: recursos genéticos: Permiso ARG-005-2022 Oscar Puebla. Acceso a recursos genéticos. Peces marinos. Investigación científica. Evolución/especiació
Checkpoint/s that collected or received the information
  • ABSCH-CP-DE-207327-1 Checkpoint Federal Agency for Nature Conservation

    As the Competent National Authority in Germany, the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation is responsible for:

    • Receipt of due diligence declarations from users at two different points in time: at the research funding stage as well as at the stage of final development of a product,
    • Ad-hoc and scheduled monitoring of users of genetic resources and of traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources,
    • Intervention and where necessary imposition of sanctions in the event of failure by users to comply with due diligence, declaration or cooperation obligations.
Recipients of the Checkpoint Communiqué
Note: The ABS Clearing-House does not guarantee the receipt of automatically generated emails.
- Competent National Authority: | ABSCH-CNA-DE-207324-1 This document has been updated. This is not the latest published version. Click here to view the latest version of the record.
Competent National Authority:
Federal Agency for Nature Conservation ()
Konstantinstr. 110
53179, Germany
Phone: +49 228.8491.1311,
Fax: +49 228.8491.1319,
CHM-NFP-PA-259583-8 ABS National Focal Point Sr. Jose Victoria
Information Collected or Received at the Checkpoint
  • ABSCH-IRCC-PA-262087-1 Internationally Recognized Certificates of Compliance ARG 005-2022 Oscar Puebla
    Permiso científico de acceso a los Recursos genéticos sin fines comerciales ARG-005-2022. Oscar Puebla. en formato .pdf
The internationally recognized certificate of compliance (IRCC) is not available
Information on the utilization of the genetic resource(s)
Investigación: recursos genéticos: Permiso ARG-005-2022 Oscar Puebla. Acceso a recursos genéticos. Peces marinos. Investigación científica. Evolución/especiació
- Organization: Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) () | ABSCH-CON-EU-262408-1
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT) ()
, Germany (Germany, Bremen)
Additional Information