United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland | ABSCH-CP-GB-207653 | Checkpoint | Access and Benefit-Sharing Clearing-House

Checkpoint (CP)
last updated: 12 Mar 2020
General Information
The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS)
Checkpoint Responsibilities
 The Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) is responsible for:

- requesting due diligence declarations from users on receipt of research funding;

- the receipt of due diligence declarations from users conducting research and development in the UK at two checkpoints (receipt of research funding and placing a product on the market); 

- submitting due diligence declarations as checkpoint communiques on the ABS Clearing House;

- monitoring user compliance in the UK; 

- where necessary enforcing compliance obligations of UK users of genetic resources and genetic resources associated with traditional knowledge. 

  • National / Federal
Authority/ies to receive courtesy copies of checkpoint communiqués
The contacts indicated below will receive email copies of checkpoint communiqués containing the information collected or received and published from this checkpoint.
All Competent National Authorities designated for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland have been selected to automatically receive checkpoint communiqués by email published from this checkpoint.
No additional authorities have been selected to receive the automatic email copies of checkpoint communiqués published from this checkpoint.
Additional Information
Records referencing this document Show in search
Record type Field Record(s)
Checkpoint Communiqué Checkpoint/s that collected or received the information 16